

Energy savings

Energy saving can be turning off the lights or turning down the heat. But an initial energy-saving investment that pays off over a few years is equally profitable.

A larger cable cross-section will be more expensive and a clear investment, but the effect of this will be lower resistance and energy loss in the cable at the same voltage, which can be converted to:

  • lower power consumption in kWh
  • lower electricity bill in euro
  • reduced CO2 emissions
  • longer cable life
  • better capacity in the cable


Total cost of ownership

With the traditional calculation method, where the smallest and thus essential cross-section is chosen - the lowest installation cost is ensured.

However, this calculation does not take into account annual or total cost of ownership for a given installation.

The goal of a total cost calculation is to minimize the economic lifecycle cost as well as to reduce the climate footprint of a given installation. 


Calculating savings

According to Joules Law, a conductor carrying electricity will always generate heat in terms of thermal energy. If the cable cross-section is increased, an effect of this will be lower resistance (R) in the cable at the same voltage and a lower energy loss (Ep). The thermal energy produced in a cable is given using the following formula: Ep = n/c x R x L x I2 x t/1000

The calculation uses a factor for the average load (gB) corresponding to a percentage of the current load (I). Thus, the energy saving (EA) by increasing the cross-section and reducing the resistance of the cable from (R1) to (R2) will be: EA = n/c x (R1 - R2) x L x (%gB x I)2 x t/1000

This energy saving can be converted into savings in euro and cents as well as reduced CO2 emissions using a CO2 factor (yearly average CO2 emissions in kg/kWh in relation to the national energy mix).


Input your data

When calculating with CableApp, you can change the price of electricity in your local currency per kWh - so you get the most accurate and personalized calculation.

A cable does not have the same load at all times, as power consumption fluctuates throughout the day and year. Therefore, when calculating you can change the average load factor (gB) to either 100% for full capacity, 75% for industry, 60% for common areas or 40% for residential installation.

Under menu item "Settings" you can change these values yourself.