

Renewable energy

Clean energy also known as green energy, is that kind of energy that can be produced without generating any pollution, which means that there is no release of CO2 in the process compared to fuels like petrol, gas and coal. Renewable energy sources are those that can regenerate themselves endlessly and include hydroelectric, wind, solar and tidal wave energy.

Globally, Prysmian Group's total energy consumption decreased -7,7% in 2022, with renewable energy representing 19,3% of the total energy mix.

The North Europe region reduced its total energy consumption by -4,2% in 2022.


North Europe factories have used zero-emissions energy since 2017

Eight factories in Prysmian Group North Europe have since 2017 purchased certificates for zero-emissions to cover 100% of their annual electrical power consumption* (excluding gas, diesel, petrol, LPG and heating).

Since 2017 below factories have used zero-emissions energy and together avoided 40.518 tonnes of CO2

  • Nässjö (Sweden)
  • Drammen (Norway)
  • Pikkala (Finland)
  • Oulu (Finland)
  • Delft (Netherlands) up to 400 kV cables and components
  • Emmen (Netherlands) LV Cables & Components
  • Nieuw-Bergen (Netherlands)
  • Keila (Estonia)


What is a GoO-certificate

A GoO certificate is a guarantee of origin defined under EU legislation (2009/28 Renewable Energy Directive) for electricity from renewable or clean energy sources.

However, electricity from renewable energy sources cannot be controlled directly from the producer to specific consumers or companies, as all electricity is fed into the common power grids.

What we buy are proofs of origin that guarantee that our energy consumption comes from CO2 free power generation.  

Our GoO-certificates

Keila - Estonia

Nässjö - Sweden

Drammen - Norway

Pikkala + Oulu - Finland

Draka - Netherlands

Prysmian - Netherlands

Keila - Estonia

Nässjö - Sweden

Drammen - Norway

Pikkala + Oulu - Finland

Draka + Prysmian - Netherlands

Keila - Estonia

Drammen - Norway

Pikkala + Oulu - Finland

Draka + Prysmian - Netherlands

Keila - Estonia

Nässjö - Sweden

Drammen - Norway

Pikkala + Oulu - Finland

Draka+ Prysmian - Netherlands

Keila - Estonia

Nässjö - Sweden

Drammen - Norway

Pikkala + Oulu - Finland

Draka + Prysmian - Netherlands

Keila - Estonia

Nässjö - Sweden

Drammen - Norway

Pikkala + Oulu - Finland

Draka + Prysmian - Netherlands

Albertslund - Denmark

Keila - Estonia

Nässjö - Sweden

Drammen - Norway

Pikkala + Oulu - Finland

Draka + Prysmian - Netherlands

Albertslund - Denmark