

Outphasing of CFL lighting

Replacing conventional CFL lighting with LED technology at Prysmian Group factories and administrative locations is a sustainable way for us to reduce our climate impact.

Depending on the combination of lighting fixture, tube size, colour and brightness each factory implement - the switch will ensures energy savings of between 50-70%.


End of CFL tubes

EU has legislated to phase out CFL tubes according to the RoHS Directive 2011/65, which limits the use of hazardous substances in electrical equipment.

After 24 August 2023, it is no longer permitted to import or produce fluorescent T5 and T8 tubes in the EU - as they contain mercury. Sales of existing stock is still permitted.

This will further speed up our company conversion to LED lighting and maximize our energy and CO2 savings. 


Significant reductions

In 2021, 4 factories in the Prysmian North Europe region switched to LED lighting, which reduce their annual energy consumption by 20,832 GJ - corresponding to a reduction of 1,719 tons of CO2 emissions annually. In 2021, a total of 30 factories globally across 10 countries switched to LED lighting, which reduce their annual emissions by 2,000 tonnes of CO2.

In 2022, our North Europe locations had following reductions: (based on country emissions factor)

  • Emmen (Netherlands) saves 3,853 GJ corresponding to 515 tonnes of CO2 annually
  • Delft (Netherlands) saves 4,142 GJ corresponding to 553 tonnes of CO2 annually
  • Pikkala (Finland) saves 5,810 GJ corresponding to 236 tonnes of CO2 annually
  • Oulu (Finland) saves 8,687 GJ corresponding to 352 tonnes of CO2 annually
  • Nässjö (Sweden) saves 4,900 GJ corresponding to 38 tonnes CO2 annually 
  • Albertslund (Denmark) sales office saves 1.4 tonnes of CO2 annually

Benefits with LED